Mood Ring Story
Mood Ring Story
In 1975, New York inventors Maris Ambats and Josh Reynolds produced the first mood ring. These rings changed color in response to temperature, potentially reflecting the body temperature change associated with the wearer's emotions. The rings were an instant sensation, despite the high price tag. A silver-colored (plated, not sterling silver) ring retailed for $45, although a gold ring was available for $250.
Whether or not the rings were accurate, people were enchanted by the colors produced by the thermochromic liquid crystals. The composition of mood rings has changed since the 1970s, but mood rings (and necklaces and bracelets) are still made today.
Old mood rings were notoriously susceptible to permanent damage. If the ring got wet or even exposed to high humidity, the pigments would react with the water and lose their ability to change color. The ring would turn black. Modern mood jewelry is still affected by water and may turn permanently brown or black when wet.